Frequently Asked Questions

How to speedup POS with Big Product Data ?
With over 1000 products , we can see long time to search product if we use Offline product search mode. and long time wait when download product data after login. To improve it , this guide can help you .

#1. Increase Interval time in admin/pos/setting/pos layout setting/ Time frequency setting ( in miliseconds ) , i suggest use 10mins = 600000

#2. Change product search mode to "online search by website"

#3. Disable Clear product list after logout admin/pos/setting/ pos layout setting / Clear product list => No . This setting ignore clear product list after logout and use this product list after login in next time. It mean your product list just download on 1st time login, with second time, it use product list has been saved in cache without download again. To Refresh product list ( after you add new product / edit product info) you can use manual sync product list again while your store has free time:

Ok, now logout POS and login POS again to see the effect.

Since version 4.1.5, We implement websql technical for speedup. But this technical just support few browser in this list :


. I am recommend for Chrome browser

You can use websql technical by add this code to your_theme/functions.php

function custom_openpos_pos_header_js($handles){
    $handles[] = 'openpos.websql_handle';
    return $handles;

add_filter( 'openpos_pos_header_js', 'custom_openpos_pos_header_js' ,10 ,1);
add_action( 'init', 'custom_registerScripts' ,10 );
function custom_registerScripts(){
    wp_register_script( 'openpos.websql_handle', '' );
        if(typeof global == 'undefined')
             var global = global || window;
        global.allow_websql = 'yes';

Save it and Refresh webpage .

Change back search mode to "offline product data" + Logout and Login Pos again +  resync product list on POS, after done, You can see the effect now.

 Last updated Wed, Sep 19 2018 6:50pm

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