Frequently Asked Questions
How to add a customer to POS staff
on openpos, default on Store staff page, it show the list of user have role : admin or shop manager.
But with those user with those role, they allow access to admin panel. In some case , you don't want store staff access to admin panel, just POS page only. You can use a customer role to do it .
Note: This custom just effect to display customer to store staff available assign, not became store staff. To became store staff and able access to POS, admin should update field : "Is POS staff" to Yes and assign to a Register.
So, to display user with customer role in Store Staff page, you can add this code to end of your_current_theme/function.php
In case you want add a menu with link to POS panel in customer my account page, you can add more this code in enf of file your_current_theme/function.php
But with those user with those role, they allow access to admin panel. In some case , you don't want store staff access to admin panel, just POS page only. You can use a customer role to do it .
Note: This custom just effect to display customer to store staff available assign, not became store staff. To became store staff and able access to POS, admin should update field : "Is POS staff" to Yes and assign to a Register.
So, to display user with customer role in Store Staff page, you can add this code to end of your_current_theme/function.php
function op_allow_user_roles($roles) { $roles[] = 'customer'; return $roles; } add_filter('op_allow_user_roles','op_allow_user_roles',10,1);
In case you want add a menu with link to POS panel in customer my account page, you can add more this code in enf of file your_current_theme/function.php
if(!function_exists('op_woocommerce_account_menu_items')) { function op_woocommerce_account_menu_items($items,$endpoints) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); if($user_id) { $allow_pos = get_user_meta($user_id,'_op_allow_pos',true); if($allow_pos) { $items['dashboard-pos'] = __('Open POS','openpos'); } } return $items; } } if(!function_exists('op_woocommerce_get_endpoint_url')) { function op_woocommerce_get_endpoint_url($url, $endpoint) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); if($user_id) { $allow_pos = get_user_meta($user_id,'_op_allow_pos',true); if($allow_pos) { if($endpoint == 'dashboard-pos') { $url = ''; // Your current pos url } } } return $url; } } add_filter('woocommerce_account_menu_items','op_woocommerce_account_menu_items',10,2); add_filter('woocommerce_get_endpoint_url','op_woocommerce_get_endpoint_url',10,2);
Last updated Wed, Sep 19 2018 6:50pm