Frequently Asked Questions

Integrate new Openswatch v2 with your custom themes
As you know, in our plugin , we support with default wordpress themes and woocommerce themes as default. With custom themes made by other author, each author has own code structure . so, we only provide api to integrate.
To integrate with your custom themes , pls do follow those steps below:
#1. create file yourthemes/openswatch/assets/js/openswatch.js

#2, copy content of file :
to your file "yourthemes/openswatch/assets/js/openswatch.js"

#3, see the code : $('.woocommerce-product-gallery').replaceWith( html );
this is part to replace gallery html with swatch html code
you can change the node follow your themes. and reload the gallery effect of your themes after this code.

I hope this informations able help you in integrate with your theme.

 Last updated Sun, Apr 3 2016 1:58pm

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